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Code With Mosh | The Ultimate Redux Course [FCO]

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_NAME_:Code With Mosh | The Ultimate Redux Course [FCO]

By: Mosh Hamedani
Publisher: CodeWithMosh
Runtime: 6+ hours
Updated: June 2020
Course Source: https://codewithmosh.com/p/ultimate-redux

Go from beginner to expert in 6 hours. Everything you need to build modern apps with Redux.


Learn to build modern apps

Redux is the most popular state management library for JavaScript apps.

It's mostly used with React but it's also becoming popular in Angular, Ember and Vue communities.

Despite being a small library with a small footprint, a lot of developers find Redux confusing and complicated. They also complain that Redux introduces a lot of boilerplate in the code and makes trivial things overly complicated.

This course gives you a solid foundation on Redux and teaches you how to write clean and concise modern Redux code.

You'll learn everything about Redux including the whats, whys, hows, and industry best practices.

A short and sweet course that you can watch in an afternoon - free of fluff and nonsense.

Simply put, this is the Redux course that I wish I had when I started learning Redux.

By the end of this course…

You’ll be able to:

• Build fast and scalable apps with Redux
• Write clean, concise Redux code free of clutter and boilerplate
• Apply fundamental functional programming techniques
• Maintain existing Redux-based apps
• Prepare for technical interviews

What You'll Learn

• What Redux is and when to use it
• Essential functional programming principles
• Use Redux Toolkit to kickstart Redux apps
• Debug apps using Redux DevTools
• Design a Redux store
• Write clean, concise, maintainable Redux code
• Properly structure Redux code
• Handle asynchronous events with redux-thunk
• Use existing middleware or write your own
• Test Redux code, the right way
• Connect React and Redux using react-redux
• The popular tools in Redux ecosystem
• Industry best practices and recommended patterns
• Common mistakes that many Redux devs make
• And much, much, more…

Who is this course for?

• Developers curious about Redux, the benefits it provides and how to use it properly
• Developers who want to add Redux to their skill set to get a raise or apply for a better job


To take this course, you need to have at least 3 months of experience programming in JavaScript. You don't any familiarity with Redux. I'll teach you everything from the ground up.

Your Instructor

Mosh Hamedani

Hi! My name is Mosh Hamedani. I'm a software engineer with almost two decades of experience. I've taught over nine million people how to code and how to become professional software engineers through my online courses and YouTube channel.

I believe coding should be fun and accessible to everyone.

YouTube Video:
Langue :English  English
Taille totale:1.26 GB
Info Hash:5A4B64EF7BC1C5E33BB28D7E13EC79EC58BF4835
Ajouté par:Prom3th3uS Super AdministratorMovie PirateVIP
Date:2020-06-27 06:34:10
Statut Torrent:Torrent Verified

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